Server informations

The most important technical information about the server


Operating systemDebian 
XMPP serverejabberd 
Supported ports5222 – STARTTLS
443 – TLS / BOSH / WebSocket
3478 – STUN
5349 – TURNS
7777 – Files transfers
Available transportsFacebook
FeaturesHTTP File Upload (XEP-0363)
Multi-User Chat (XEP-0045)
Web Presence
Message Archive Management (XEP-0313)
OtherIPv6 support
Backup several times a day
Compliance Tester

Hardware specification

Processor1 rdzeń, 2.4 GHz
Hard driveSSD 20 GB
Bandwidth100 Mb/s
LocationOVH, Frankfurt, Germany
SLA 99,9%


Logged in users
Registered users
Outgoing s2s connections
Incoming s2s connections
XMPP server uptime
System uptime
RAM memory usage
Disk usage
See alsoStatistics charts


Offline messagesStoring up to 1000 offline messages for 90 days
Message Archive ManagementStoring an unlimited number of messages for 180 days
HTTP File UploadStoring maximum 150 MB of data for 14 days, a single file not larger than 20 MB
File transfer proxyUp to 10 Mb/s and maximum 10 simultaneous connections
ConnectionMaximum 5 active simultaneous sessions
RegistrationJID with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 30 characters, consisting only of letters and additionally numbers, and having only three non-consecutive special characters: period, comma and underscore